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Packages » NormalToricVarieties :: isWellDefined(NormalToricVariety)
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isWellDefined(NormalToricVariety) -- whether a toric variety is well-defined



A pair (rayList, coneList) of lists correspond to a well-defined normal toric variety if the following conditions hold:

  • the union of the elements of coneList equals the set of indices of elements of rayList,
  • no element of coneList is properly contained in another element of coneList,
  • the rays indexed by an element of coneList generate a strongly convex cone,
  • the rays indexed by an element of coneList are the unique minimal lattice points for the cone they generate,
  • the intersection of the cones associated to two elements of coneList is a face of each cone.

The first examples illustrate that small projective spaces are well-defined.

i1 : assert all (5, d -> isWellDefined toricProjectiveSpace (d+1))

The second examples show that a randomly selected Kleinschmidt toric variety and a weighted projective space are also well-defined.

i2 : setRandomSeed (currentTime ());
i3 : a = sort apply (3, i -> random (7))

o3 = {0, 3, 6}

o3 : List
i4 : assert isWellDefined kleinschmidt (4,a)
i5 : q = sort apply (5, j -> random (1,9));
i6 : while not all (subsets (q,#q-1), s -> gcd s === 1) do q = sort apply (5, j -> random (1,9));
i7 : q

o7 = {3, 4, 6, 8, 9}

o7 : List
i8 : assert isWellDefined weightedProjectiveSpace q

The next ten examples illustrate various ways that two lists can fail to define a normal toric variety. By making the current debugging level greater than one, one gets some addition information about the nature of the failure.

i9 : X = new MutableHashTable;
i10 : coneList = max toricProjectiveSpace 2;
i11 : X#1 = normalToricVariety ({{-1,-1},{1,0},{0,1},{-1,0}}, coneList);
i12 : isWellDefined X#1

o12 = false
i13 : debugLevel = 1;
i14 : isWellDefined X#1
-- some ray does not appear in maximal cone

o14 = false
i15 : X#2 = normalToricVariety ({},{});
i16 : isWellDefined X#2
-- expected `rays' to be a list of lists

o16 = false
i17 : X#3 = normalToricVariety ({{}},{});
i18 : isWellDefined X#3
-- expected `max' to be a list of lists

o18 = false
i19 : X#4 = normalToricVariety ({{}},{{}});
i20 : isWellDefined X#4
-- some ray does not appear in maximal cone

o20 = false
i21 : coneList' = {{0,1},{0,3},{1,2},{2,3},{3}};
i22 : X#5 = normalToricVariety ({{-1,0},{0,-1},{1,-1},{0,1}}, coneList');
i23 : isWellDefined X#5
-- some cone is not maximal

o23 = false
i24 : X#6 = normalToricVariety ({{-1,-1},{1,0},{0,1,1}},coneList);
i25 : isWellDefined X#6
-- expected `rays' to be a list of equal length lists

o25 = false
i26 : X#7 = normalToricVariety ({{-1,-1/1},{1,0},{0,1}},coneList);
i27 : isWellDefined X#7
-- expected `rays' to be a list of lists of integers

o27 = false
i28 : X#8 = normalToricVariety ({{1,0},{0,1},{-1,0}},{{0,1,2}});
i29 : isWellDefined X#8
-- not all maximal cones are strongly convex

o29 = false
i30 : X#9 = normalToricVariety ({{1,0,0},{0,1,0},{0,0,2}},{{0,1,2}});
i31 : isWellDefined X#9
-- the rays are not the primitive generators

o31 = false
i32 : X#10 = normalToricVariety ({{1,0},{0,1},{1,1}},{{0,1},{1,2}});
i33 : isWellDefined X#10
-- intersection of cones is not a cone

o33 = false
i34 : debugLevel = 0;
i35 : assert all (keys X, k -> not isWellDefined X#k)

This method also checks that the following aspects of the data structure:

  • the underlying HashTable has the expected keys, namely rays, max, and cache,
  • the value of the rays key is a List,
  • each entry in the rays list is a List,
  • each entry in an entry of the rays list is an ZZ,
  • each entry in the rays list as the same number of entries,
  • the value of the max key is a List,
  • each entry in the max list is a List,
  • each entry in an entry of the max list is an ZZ,
  • each entry in an entry of the max list corresponds to a ray,
  • the value of the cache key is a CacheTable.

See also

Ways to use this method: