In the following example, the seventh power of the trace of the matrix M is in the ideal generated by the entries of the cube of M. Since the ideal I is homogeneous, it is only required to compute the Gröbner basis in degrees at most seven.
i1 : R = QQ[a..i];
i2 : M = genericMatrix(R,a,3,3)
o2 = | a d g |
| b e h |
| c f i |
3 3
o2 : Matrix R <-- R
i3 : I = ideal(M^3);
o3 : Ideal of R
i4 : f = trace M
o4 = a + e + i
o4 : R
i5 : G = gb(I, DegreeLimit=>3)
o5 = GroebnerBasis[status: DegreeLimit; all S-pairs handled up to degree 3]
o5 : GroebnerBasis
i6 : f^7 % G == 0
o6 = false
i7 : gb(I, DegreeLimit=>7)
o7 = GroebnerBasis[status: DegreeLimit; all S-pairs handled up to degree 7]
o7 : GroebnerBasis
i8 : f^7 % G
o8 = 0
o8 : R
i9 : gb I
o9 = GroebnerBasis[status: done; S-pairs encountered up to degree 9]
o9 : GroebnerBasis
In these homogeneous situations, Macaulay2 only computes the Gröbner basis as far as required, as shown below.
i10 : I = ideal(M^3);
o10 : Ideal of R
i11 : G = gb(I, StopBeforeComputation=>true)
o11 = GroebnerBasis[status: not started; all S-pairs handled up to degree -1]
o11 : GroebnerBasis
i12 : f^7 % I
o12 = 0
o12 : R
i13 : status G
o13 = status: DegreeLimit; all S-pairs handled up to degree 7