Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » LatticePolytopes :: iskCayleykEdges
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iskCayleykEdges -- Checks if a polytope is Cayley of type [P_0*P_1]^k and has every edge of length k



iskCayleykEdges is a function. It checks if at given polytope is of type [P_0*P_1]^k with every edge of length k
i1 : P=convexHull(matrix{{0,2}});
i2 : Q1=convexHull(matrix{{0,4}});
i3 : Q2=convexHull(matrix{{0,3}});
i4 : R1=cayley({P,Q1},2);
i5 : R2=cayley({P,Q2},2);
i6 : (P0,P1,k)=iskCayleykEdges(R1)
Warning: This method is deprecated and will be removed in version 1.11 of Polyhedra. Please consider using polyhedronFromHData instead.

o6 = (P0, P1, 2)

o6 : Sequence
i7 : vertices(P0)

o7 = | 0 2 |
     | 0 0 |

              2       2
o7 : Matrix QQ  <-- QQ
i8 : vertices(P1)

o8 = | 0 4 |
     | 2 2 |

              2       2
o8 : Matrix QQ  <-- QQ
i9 : iskCayleykEdges(R2)
Conditions not met

See also

Ways to use iskCayleykEdges :

For the programmer

The object iskCayleykEdges is a method function.