B = testHunekeQuestion f
Theorem (Saito): If R is a formal power series ring over a field of char 0, and f \in R is a power series with an isolated singularity, then f\in j(f), the Jacobian ideal iff f becomes quasi-homogeneous after a change of variables.
This can be tested over an affine ring by testing f % (j(f)+ideal vars S). If the result is 0 we call f crypto-quasi-homogeneous.
Theorem (Lejeune-Teisser; see Swanson-Huneke Thm 7.1.5) f \in integral closure(ideal apply(numgens R,i-> x_i*df/dx_i))
Question (Huneke): Is f actually contained in the maximal ideal times the integral closure of ideal apply(numgens R,i-> df/dx_i).
Note that the answer is trivially yes if f is crypto-quasi-homogeneous.
Huneke has shown that if the answer is always yes, then the Eisenbud-Mazur conjecture on evolutions is true.
The function y^4-2*x^3*y^2-4*x^5*y+x^6-x^7 is defines the simplest plane curve singularity with 2 characteristic pairs, and is thus NOT crypto- quasi-homogeneous.
The object testHunekeQuestion is a method function.