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Packages » OldPolyhedra :: faceFan
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faceFan -- computes the fan generated by the cones over the faces



For a polyhedron with the origin in its relative interior, the face fan is the fan generated by the cones over the faces of the polytope. Hence the origin must be in the relative interior.
i1 : P = hypercube 2

o1 = {ambient dimension => 2           }
      dimension of lineality space => 0
      dimension of polyhedron => 2
      number of facets => 4
      number of rays => 0
      number of vertices => 4

o1 : Polyhedron
i2 : F = faceFan P

o2 = {ambient dimension => 2         }
      number of generating cones => 4
      number of rays => 4
      top dimension of the cones => 2

o2 : Fan
i3 : apply(maxCones F, rays)

o3 = {| -1 1  |, | -1 1 |, | -1 -1 |, | 1  1 |}
      | -1 -1 |  | 1  1 |  | -1 1  |  | -1 1 |

o3 : List

Ways to use faceFan :

For the programmer

The object faceFan is a method function.