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coordinates -- Computes coordinates relative to a given basis



Generally, linear algebra in graded rings is performed using the monomial basis obtained from a Groebner basis calculation. In some cases, it is desirable to work relative to a different basis. This method calls sparseCoeffs to compute the coordinate vector(s) of a ring element (or a list of ring elements) relative to a user-specified basis. If no basis is specified, the method simple calls sparseCoeffs with no options.

i1 : R = QQ[w]/ideal(w^2+w+1)

o1 = R

o1 : QuotientRing
i2 : A = skewPolynomialRing(R,promote(-1,R),{x,y,z})

o2 = A

o2 : NCQuotientRing

One motivating example comes from invariant theory. In this example, we take a skew polynomial ring in three variables and act by the cyclic subgroup of graded automorphisms of A generated by permuting the variables. A basis for the fixed ring is given by "orbit sums" of basis monomials. Here we work in homogeneous degree 3.

i3 : g = ncMap(A,A,{y,z,x})

o3 = NCRingMap A <--- A

o3 : NCRingMap
i4 : gList = {g, g^2, g^3}

o4 = {NCRingMap A <--- A, NCRingMap A <--- A, NCRingMap A <--- A}

o4 : List
i5 : a = sum apply(3,i-> (gList#i)(x^3))

      3  3  3
o5 = z +y +x

o5 : A
i6 : b = sum apply(3,i-> (gList#i)(x^2*y))

      2    2  2
o6 = y z+xz +x y

o6 : A
i7 : c = sum apply(3,i-> (gList#i)(x*y^2))

       2   2  2
o7 = yz +xy +x z

o7 : A
i8 : d = sum apply(3,i-> (gList#i)(x*y*z))

o8 = 3xyz

o8 : A

It is clear that these are linearly independent. Next, we take a homogeneous polynomial of degree 3, make it invariant, and compute its coordinate vector.

i9 : p = w^2*z^2*y+x^2*z+(1-w)*y^3

                2           3  2
o9 = (- w - 1)yz +(- w + 1)y +x z

o9 : A
i10 : g(p)==p

o10 = false
i11 : p' = sum apply(3,i-> (gList#i)(p))

                3     2           3     2    2            3
o11 = (- w + 1)z +-wyz +(- w + 1)y +-wxy +-wx z+(- w + 1)x

o11 : A
i12 : g(p')==p'

o12 = true
i13 : coordinates(p',Basis=>{a,b,c,d})

o13 = | -w+1 |
      | 0    |
      | -w   |
      | 0    |

              4      1
o13 : Matrix R  <-- R

See also

Ways to use coordinates :

For the programmer

The object coordinates is a method function with options.